
Monday, 2 December 2013

Infamous: A Teen Titans Story Version 0.10

Not a triumphant return, but a return nonetheless.

There are a variety of reasons as to why I haven't been able to do new additions to Infamous or just new stories on AFF. Some I can't mention and others being a lacking of inspiration.

But some, more than others, are just excuses. With that said, I hope to get back to a consistent schedule like when I first started. This update is just to reestablish some things. I'm still a little frazzled being gone so long.

There are few new story progression segments that I'm curious to know what you'll think, although they are more or less preview versions as the raw versions are a lot longer.

Download Link: InFamousTTSC010 (Dead)
Download Link: InFamousTTJonah010 (Dead)