This is more of a back end change, specifically parts of the code. Less clutter for me to have to swath through. Previous versions had become a spider-web and sometimes it was just too distracting to sort through.
Some of the old content will be missing initially (specifically the Blackfire spaceship stuff which my new editor suggested I rewrite), but it will be implemented back in future versions at some point.
-Some changes to earlier parts of the story based on suggestions by the editor
-Story no longer comes in a zip file and the image folder is no longer necessary
-Finished some of the evil sides Terra sex scenes
-You can see a preview of what I plan to do with the good side vanilla Jinx sex scene
If anything is broken, please let me know
Download Link: TTSugarcane0.19.001
Download Link: TTJonah0.19.001
Download Link: TTResponsive0.19.001